
About Beverly Patera

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So far Beverly Patera has created 8 blog entries.

Draft BLM plan provides an opportunity to protect public lands from oil and gas leasing, reduce climate pollution, and scale up wildlands conservation


Draft BLM plan provides an opportunity to protect public lands from oil and gas leasing, reduce climate pollution, and scale up wildlands conservation August 3, 2023 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Riccio, Wilderness Workshop Advocacy Director,; 720-470-7580 (Cell) Scott Braden, Colorado Wildlands Project Director,; 720-530-7473 (Cell) Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to the Colorado River Valley and Grand Junction Resource Management Plans (RMPs) for a 90-day public comment period.  In response to two lawsuits filed by Wilderness Workshop and partners, the SEIS will determine how 2 million [...]

Draft BLM plan provides an opportunity to protect public lands from oil and gas leasing, reduce climate pollution, and scale up wildlands conservation2023-08-03T17:54:27-06:00

Defiende Nuestra Tierra launches first-of-its-kind Spanish language map


Defiende Nuestra Tierra launches first-of-its-kind Spanish language map, connecting the Latino community with local public lands / Defiende Nuestra Tierra lanza el primer mapa en español de su tipo, que conectará a nuestra comunidad Latina con las tierras públicas locales ~ En Español abajo ~ July 13, 2023 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Omar Sarabia, Defiende Nuestra Tierra Director,; 970-230-0775 (Cell) CARBONDALE, CO - Defiende Nuestra Tierra, a program of Wilderness Workshop (Carbondale, CO), will host an educational and community-building hike this weekend for the official launch of the new El Camino Latino map. The Defiende program works to break [...]

Defiende Nuestra Tierra launches first-of-its-kind Spanish language map2023-07-14T22:39:57-06:00

Homestake Valley Community Science Day 2023


Community Science Day at Homestake Valley fens near Red Cliff catalogs many species with high conservation value. July 13, 2023 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Michael Gorman, Wilderness Workshop Campaign Manager,; 970-274-4719 (Cell) Rose Sandell, Eagle River Watershed Council,; 970-827-5406 VAIL, CO - On Saturday, July 8, Wilderness Workshop and Eagle River Watershed Council hosted experts from Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Walking Mountains Science Center and Roaring Fork Audubon to lead a “bio blitz” in Homestake Valley. Nearly 50 people participated in the community science day, which helped to inventory the range of birds, insects and plant species [...]

Homestake Valley Community Science Day 20232023-07-14T18:22:08-06:00

CORE Act Hearing in the Senate marks significant step forward for community crafted bill


Coloradans Applaud Senate Hearing of the CORE Act Movement in the Senate marks significant step forward for community crafted bill July 12, 2023 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Riccio, Advocacy Director,; 720-470-7580 (Cell) DENVER, CO -Residents, business leaders, hunters and anglers, and local governments across Colorado are applauding a Senate Subcommittee for holding a hearing on the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy (CORE) Act on July 12, 2023. Re-introduced by Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper in May of this year, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining will listen [...]

CORE Act Hearing in the Senate marks significant step forward for community crafted bill2023-07-13T18:42:18-06:00
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