Your donations make our work to protect public lands possible.
Thank you for choosing to support Wilderness Workshop! We are a 501(c)(3) Organization (Tax ID# 74-1900412) and your donation is fully tax-deductible. If you haven’t made a membership contribution in over a year, we’d love to have you back. As a reminder, we:
❱ Advocate for new land and water protections across Western Colorado
❱ Put the brakes on new fossil fuel development & other misguided projects
❱ Offer year-round events building community to celebrate and protect public lands
❱ Publish a bi-annual “Wild Works” Newsletter, & much more!

Unified for Thompson Divide!

Near the Maroon Bells.
WW is especially grateful for our Maroon Bells Circle members, who are donors giving $2,000 or more to support our work. Maroon Bells Circle members enjoy updates from our team on our most critical projects and invitations to special events. To become a Maroon Bells Circle member, reach out to Philanthropy Director Emily Kay.
To learn more about WW, we encourage you to review our Annual Reports and Wild Works Newsletter. If you would like to discuss other ways to support WW – such as stock or securities, bequests, or other donations – please reach out to Philanthropy Director Emily Kay.